Placing creatures

Let's finally place our quest giver. There are four creatures menus in the Editor. Pick the first one, choose the second merchant (choose the first if you want a male merchant), and click on the square you want her to appear on.


Do the same for her guard...


And one more time, this time adding a giant lizard that pulls the cart.


You'll notice that the lizard has a red outline, unlike the other creatures. This is because giant lizards are hostile by default. We want this to be a domesticated lizard, so let's change that. If the giant lizard isn't selected, select it by clicking on the pointing hand icon, then clicking on the lizard. If you made a mistake placing something, you can delete it with delete icon to the right of the select icon. Once the lizard is selected, click 'Attitude' until either 'Friendly' or 'Neutral' is selected (both are fine for our purposes).


While you're at it, you can change other attributes about the characters, such as which direction they're facing. Make the lizard and the merchant face south:


If you test your scenario now, you'll find that these three creatures wander all over the place. If you want one creature to remain in the same spot (or all of them too), select that creature and click 'Edit This Creature'. A new window will appear with an expanded list of options. To make the creature stay in the same spot, set 'Cell 0' to 2.

What are memory cells? They're used in creature scripts, the scripts that tell each creature how to act. Memory cells are used to set options for creature scripts, in much the same way arguments set options for functions. All creatures by default use the 'basicnpc' script (the guard will use the 'guard' script instead, but it's very similar). To determine what the memory cells do, open the script basicnpc.txt and read the comments. Any good creature script should have a comment section describing the effects of each memory cell.


Now that the creatures are places, they can be given dialogue.